速報APP / 美食佳飲 / Avenue Open Kitchen

Avenue Open Kitchen



檔案大小:48.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone 相容。


Avenue Open Kitchen(圖1)-速報App

Avenue Open Kitchen is a traditional diner that offers all-day breakfast, deli sandwiches, and homemade specials daily.

Avenue Open Kitchen(圖2)-速報App

"This cozy little joint off Spadina Ave feels like it's been here forever, but it's spotlessly clean and great value. Go on, have a BLT with cheese and a side of fries and gravy for your lunch: we dare you. Breakfasts and burgers are truly old school and easy on the wallet. There's always a daily special." - The Lonely Planet

Avenue Open Kitchen(圖3)-速報App

Download our app to browse our menu and order delicious food!

Avenue Open Kitchen(圖4)-速報App

Avenue Open Kitchen(圖5)-速報App
